Children of a King

I have a brother who I care for who is in a facility, who now needs more care. The other night I got a phone call from the home he was in, and in talking with them, the doctors would like him to be placed in another facility where there would be more suitable care. The only problem they had was the waiting list was between six months and a year to get into a care home like that on the North Shore! But that was the plan. So amongst ourselves, we decided we would wait. The next morning, the phone rang and this lady called me from a care home, and said to me “We have a bed that came available this morning, a room; would you be interested in this for your brother?” I said, “Certainly!” Then she said, “Well we will put that in motion right away.” I asked her where it was and she said it is on the North Shore where you live, and it is not far from where he is now! Then I sat on the edge of the bed and I had a conversation with the Lord. Of course, I was just about apologetic because I had not yet thought or prayed about that situation! And I said to Him, “I did not even pray about this!” That is when He began to speak to me about how we are not “beggars” of God, but we are “Children of the King”! My brother, myself, and all those who believe on Him… and He then reminded me that we were on His Mind before the creation of the whole universe! And that He runs the universe! And that he is in charge of everything! And the key was not to talk to God about our problem, but to talk to our problem about how big and great God is! And I was reminded of that scripture which says:
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, (God)! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:15-17
This has to be the best news of all! Our prayer is and should be “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” God loves grateful hearts. He is the creator of the universe and operates and runs it for our well being. I am not opposed to prayers but I was thinking, if we are children of the King, I guess it means we are not adults yet. Little children, when they have needs, don’t always tell us what they want. But a loving parent instinctively know their children’s needs. So according to some of these scriptures and what God says in His word, we can be excited and grateful that He is on Watch at all times! We have a Loving Father who always wants the best for us! That is, our well being here, and eternal life in the end. John 10:10 says “…I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” Meaning here and eternally!
So today, as Jesus knocks at the door of our heart, let Him in and enjoy Him! He loves us very, very, very much! We say with grateful hearts today, “Thank you Jesus” and we can speak to our problems about how GREAT of a God we have! Amen.
P.S. Please feel free to share!
We appreciate you folks sharing this today, because we never know who is sick, sad, dying, neglected, or abandoned, or just needs a word of encouragement. I recommend as you share this word around the globe, on Facebook or wherever, that it may be a miracle for a hurting, suffering person somewhere, to be touched by the love of God.
Miracles…. will happen.
Thanks for sharing it!