My Secret to Staying Sober

My 89th birthday is in this month of November.  I was thinking back, to when I was 33 years old, and I quit drinking alcohol.  It was a “white knuckle” experience for me.  AA is very, very good for many people, but it was not the answer for me.  I was possessed by an angry drinking demon!  During this angry period, I was wallowing in self-pity and depression as I had lost all my “fun” friends and there were no more parties for me.  I was hardly fit to live with my poor angel wife.  During this time, to let the steam out of me somehow, I worked very hard by tearing down the old house we lived in and rebuilt it into a whole new house with a suite and everything.  But when that build came to an end, the mad demons controlling me were agitating me even more than ever.  Building that house had been an “out” for me, and now I had run myself out of answers…  I was not drinking, but I wanted to, but every part of me cried to; I was desperate.  

When I say desperate, I mean it…  I was not a religious guy EVER but I actually found myself crying out to the Lord, who I didn’t know, but I was so angry and sick and cried to Him for help.  Now, I can sure understand how drug addicts struggle with relapses, but I was lucky, and blessed, because one day, I was watching TV and a preacher named Billy Graham was on, and started talking.  He came out with the most ridiculous statement I could imagine, that “Jesus Christ is God.”  This was completely foreign to me because “Jesus Christ” was quite a popular swear word amongst me and my friends!  And Billy was saying, simply, to just ask this Jesus to be your friend.  Simply that!  So, I took that step, and I did!  I had nothing to lose.  And guess what?  Jesus has been my best friend ever since that day.  

It is Not a Religion.  

It is Simply a Relationship with God, and the best friend I ever had.  This best friend has kept me sober since I gave my heart to Him; and that was over 55 years ago.  No more effort, no more white-knuckling it; and I also noticed that at that time when the demon of drink left me and I was delivered, also other vices and addictions left with it!  The Deliverance that comes from the Holy Spirit, I found brings peace, contentment, joy, gladness, hope, and, it is FREE.  

So today, this best friend you could ever have, is knocking at your door, ringing the doorbell, answer it, and Let Him in… God bless you so much, He loves you so much, and I love you.  Be encouraged and have a good heart today, because Jesus’s own words say in John 8:36, “whom the Son sets free, will be free indeed.”  Let that be for you or any that you are praying for and are on your heart today; I am no different from anyone needing help; He will hear your cry like He did mine    “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles” Psalm 34:6.  

P.S. Please feel free to share!   

We appreciate you folks sharing this today, because we never know who is sick, sad, dying, neglected, or abandoned, or just needs a word of encouragement.   I recommend as you share this word around the globe, on Facebook or wherever, that it may be a miracle for a hurting, suffering person somewhere, to be touched by the love of God, miracles…. will happen.  

Thanks for sharing it! 

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