A Schoolboy’s Life Lesson

In about 1907, nine-year-old Norman was attending a country school, with approximately 35 students. The teacher, being a heavyset gentleman with a roar of a voice, before school quitting time, stood up and went to the blackboard and bellowed to his class, the word “SILENCE”! with his booming voice. Of course everybody went quiet! Then he said to them, “Your homework for tonight will be…” Then he wrote on the chalkboard the words “I CAN’T”. Then he took the chalkboard eraser and barred off the apostrophe and the “T”. And he wrote, “I CAN… do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” That was the homework for the night! Well, that statement was imprinted on that young boy’s mind, which he never lost and it guided his life throughout his 9 decades. He became a very positive-minded individual. He wrote best-selling books and magazines, and he was in high demand to give speeches in conferences and other places to thousands of schoolteachers, bankers, lawyers, salesmen, real estate people, industrialists, and so on. He was a man of great influence. He was very positive in his speeches, being inspired all the rest of his life by that very statement he heard as a schoolboy.
May these words be an encouragement to any of us for direction and hope. God bless you! He loves you very, very much!!